August 6, 2011

Posted by We The Pakistanis 0 Comments Category:

Fingerprints: Source of identification

Fingerprints: Source of identification

"Yes, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers". (Qur'an, 75:4)

The emphasis on fingerprints has a very interesting meaning. This is because the shape and details on everyone's fingerprint are unique to each individual. Every person who is alive or who has ever lived in this world has a set of unique fingerprints. Furthermore, even identical twins having the very same DNA sequence have their own set of fingerprints. Two individuals cannot have the same fingerprints.

Fingerprints get their final shape before birth and remain the same for a lifetime unless a permanent scar appears. That is why fingerprints are accepted as a very important proof of identity, exclusive to their owner. The science of fingerprints has been used as a non-erring identity determination method. Now every person can be identified by fingerprinting technology.

This feature of fingerprints was only discovered in the late 19th century. Before then, people considered fingerprints as ordinary curves without any specific importance or meaning. However in the Qur'an, Allah points to the fingertips, which did not attract anyone's attention at that time, and calls our attention to their importance. This importance has only been fully understood in our day.

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