Complete Kuliyat-e-IQBAL
Bang-e Dara بانگ درا
Dr Allama iqbal
Dr Allama iqbal
بانگ درا برصغیر کے عظیم شاعر و فلسفی محمد اقبال کی شاعری پر مشتمل پہلی کتاب تھی جو 1924ء میں شایع ہوئی۔
بانگ درا کی شاعری علامہ محمد اقبال نے 20 سال کے عرصے میں لکھی تھی اور اس مجموعے کو تین حصوں میں تقسیم کیا گیا ہے۔
ء تک لکھی گئی نظمیں، جب اقبال انگلستان گئے۔ اس میں بچوں کے لیے خوبصورت نظمیں اور حب الوطنی کے حوالے سے مشہور "ترانۂ ہندی" موجود ہے، جسے بھارت میں اہم حیثیت حاصل ہے اور اسے یوم آزادی پر گایا جاتا ہے۔
1905ء سے 1908ء کے درمیان لکھی گئی نظمیں، جب اقبال انگلستان میں طالب علم تھے۔ اس میں علامہ نے مغرب کی علمیت و عقلیت کو تو سراہا ہے لیکن مادہ پرستی اور روحانیت کی کمی پر کڑی تنقید کی ہے۔ اس صورتحال نے اقبال کو اسلام کی آفاقی اقدار کے قریب کر دیا اور انہوں نے مسلمانوں کو جگانے کے لیے شاعری کرنے کے بارے میں سوچا۔
ء سے 1923ء کے درمیان کی گئی شاعری، جس میں اقبال نے مسلمانوں کو اپنے عظیم ماضی کی یاد دلائی ہے اور تمام تر سرحدوں سے بالا تر ہو کر ان سے اخوت و بھائی چارے کا مطالبہ کیا ہے۔ مشہور نظمیں شکوہ، جواب شکوہ، خضر راہ اور طلوع اسلام اسی حصے میں شامل ہیں اور انہیں تاریخ کی بہترین اسلامی شاعری تسلیم کیا جاتا ہے۔ محبت اور خودی اس حصے کے اہم موضوع ہیں۔
consolidate student loan
Allama Muhammad Iqbal
1930 address
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Zinda Rood
by Javaid Iqbal part-1
(hayat-e-Iqbal ka Tashkeli dour)
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Zinda Rood
Javaid Iqbal part-2
(Hayat-e-Iqbal ka wasti dour)
Allama Iqbal ore ham
Dr Israr Ahmad
Allama Iqbal ore falsafa-e-Zindagi ore mout
Allama Iqbal,
A Critic of Capitalism-Globalization
Reconstruction Of Political thoughts of Islam
What is the character and general structure of the universe in which we live? Is there a permanent element in the constitution of this universe? How are we related to it? What place do we occupy in it, and what is the kind of conduct that befits the place we occupy? These questions are common to religion, philosophy, and higher poetry.
The teaching of the Qur'an that life is a process of progressive creation necessitates that each generation, guided but unhampered by the work of its predecessors, should be permitted to solve its own problems.
What then is the principle of movement in the structure of Islam? This is known as Ijtihād.
The teaching of the Qur'ān that life is a process of progressive creation necessitates that each generation, guided but unhampered by the work of its predecessors, should be permitted to solve its own problems
Thus, in the evaluation of religion, philosophy must recognize the central
position of religion and has no other alternative but to admit it as something focal in the process of reflective synthesis. Nor is there any reason to suppose that thought and intuition are essentially opposed to each other. They spring up from the same root and complement each other. The one grasps Reality piecemeal, the other grasps it in its
wholeness. The one fixes its gaze on the eternal, the other on the temporal aspect of Reality. The one is present enjoyment of the whole of Reality; the other aims at traversing the whole by slowly specifying and closing up the various regions of the whole for exclusive observation. Both are in need of each other for mutual rejuvenation. Both seek visions of the same Reality which reveals itself to them in accordance with their
function in life.
Bang -e- Dara (Volume - 1)
(With Meanings of Difficult words)
Allama Iqbal was the common man’s poet in the sense that through his poetry he represented the collected consciousness of the people of his time.
Iqbal, also known as "Shaere-Mashriq" (Poet of the East!) first published "Bang-e-Dara" (Call of the Caravan) in March 1924. Since then it has continued to be a favorite with both young and the old.Besides being a poet, Iqbal was also a philosopher, a jurist, a politician, a social reformer, and a great Islamic scholar. In Bang-e-Dara, Iqbal’s poetic themes reflect his vast array of experience and prove to be inspirational or at the least entertaining.
Iqbal, also known as "Shaere-Mashriq" (Poet of the East!) first published "Bang-e-Dara" (Call of the Caravan) in March 1924. Since then it has continued to be a favorite with both young and the old.Besides being a poet, Iqbal was also a philosopher, a jurist, a politician, a social reformer, and a great Islamic scholar. In Bang-e-Dara, Iqbal’s poetic themes reflect his vast array of experience and prove to be inspirational or at the least entertaining.
Bang -e- Dra (Volume - 2)
With Meanings of Difficult words)
(With Meanings of Difficult words)
Bal-e-Jibreel بال جبریل
Ma Farhang
(With Meanings of Difficult words)
(With Meanings of Difficult words)
Allama Muhammad Iqbal
Dr Allama Muhammad Iqbal
Armaghan -e- Hijaz
Allama Muhammad Iqbal
علامہ اقبال کی آخری خواہش
Iqbal ke akhri khwaish
(Iqbals Last Wish)
By Hafiz Aakif saeed M.A
By Hafiz Aakif saeed M.A
Allama Iqbal ki aakhri khawahish
(Reconstruction of political thoughts of Islam)
Allama Muhammad Iqbal
Urdu Traslation
Abdul Rasheed Fazil
اسرار خودی
مصنف : علامہ اقبال
موضوع : شاعری
اسرار خودی فارسی کی ایک کتاب ہے جو عظیم شاعر، فلسفی اور نظریہ پاکستان کے بانی علامہ اقبال کی پہلی فلسفیانہ شاعری کا مجموعہ ہے۔ اس کتاب میں انفرادیت کے بارے میں نظمیں شامل ہیں جبکہ ان کی دوسری کتاب رموز بیخودی فرد واحد اور معاشرے کا احاطہ کرتی ہے۔
Translated in urdu
Kokab Shadani
(the secrets of the self ALLAMA Iqbal)
English translation
Ramooz-e-bekhudi(english Translation)
جاوید نامہ
English translation of JAVAID NAMA
by arthur J.Arberry
Asrar-o-Ramuz (Allama Iqbal)
Urdu Translation
Mian Abdur Rasheed
Yousaf Saleem Chishti
(Commentary of Iqbal's Urdu Poetry Book)
att prepaid
Read some Beautiful Writings on Hazrat Allama Iqbal
علامہ اقبال کی وابستگی رسول اکرم (صلی الله علیہ وسلم ) سے
Allama Iqbal aur Ishq e Mustafa (Sallalaho Alaihi Wasallam)
73rd Death Anniversary of Allama Iqbal
Who Is Allama Iqbal??(A Documentry)
Tafseer Surah e Ikhlas:Allama Muhamamd Iqbal
Surah e ikhlas ki tafseer_Allama Iqbal
Hazrat Ibraheem and ALLAMA Iqbal
Iblees Ke majlis e shoora by dr Allama Iqbal ابلیس کی مجلس شوریٰ
اقبال کا تصور شاہین
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